Legal Statements IDETCOM

Editor: This website is the official website of Toulouse Capitole University (UT Capitole) and IDETCOM.

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Terms of Use

Welcome to the IDETCOM website. We draw your attention to the terms of use mentioned below.Using this website amounts to acceptance of the entire following terms and conditions.  These terms have not been thoroughly listed, which means IDETCOM rights are not limited to these provisions.  IDETCOM makes every effort to provide its website users with accurate and updated information, and yet, there may be errors or omissions. If you find any, please let us know by sending an e-mail to the Web Services at:

Privacy and Data Protection

In compliance with the Act dated 7 August 2004 governing Personal Privacy Protection and amending the Act dated 6 January 1978 regarding Information Technology, Files and Civil Liberties, the automated processing of data carried out using this website is subject to a declaration to the National Commission for Data Protection and Liberties (CNIL).
The main purpose of this Act is to contain the possible threat to individual freedom from the misuse of personal data held on computer equipment. Under legal obligations, no personal data shall be  collected, nor passed on to a third party without your prior knowledge. Moreover, no personal data shall be used for purposes not provided for by the user or unrelated to him.

In accordance with article 32 of the Act dated 7 August 2004, the user is informed, amongst others, of who is responsible of data processing, for what purpose it will be used, as to whether the replies to the questions are compulsory or voluntary, of the consequences of failure to reply, of the identity of the recipient, of the right to access or to rectify (article 39 and article 40 of the Act ) as well as of the possibility of  "" transmitting and exploiting personal data.
Holders of the rights of access and rectification of personal data may exercise/exert their prerogatives by writing to the postal address of IDETCOM.
All information concerning the processing of personal data is available at any time at  IDETCOM.

You may receive the entire information by e-mailing, writing your request to:
Université Toulouse Capitole (UT Capitole)
Direction de la Communication
31042 Toulouse Cedex

Any breach of these legal provisions will lead to criminal prosecution and penalties under this law whose article 50 provides that: « Infringements of the provisions of this Act are provided for and punishable under articles 226-16 to 226-24 of the Criminal Code ».

Trademarks and Copyright

The trademarks and logos appearing on the website "" are the property of  Toulouse Capitole University and of third parties, they may not be used for advertising purposes without the  copyright owner’s prior written consent under 'article L713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code. The names, products and services mentioned are their owners’ trademarks. The same applies to all software, text, still or animated images, sound, know-how, drawings, graphics (...) and any other element making up the website "". The companies and trade names mentioned are only quoted as examples. It in no way implies any association of with any company, trade name or product.
All the rights that are not specifically licensed remain exclusively with Toulouse Capitole University and IDETCOM gives no warranty about the compatibility of the website content (documents and graphic elements) with any particular purpose. In no event shall IDETCOM, via the website "", be held responsible, whatever the basis for the claim, for damages, incidental or consequential (nor for any damage resulting from loss of use, loss of data or loss of profit) arising from the operation or the use of data available on the website.

The files may be downloaded if they are only intended for personal use and not for any commercial usage, with the condition that all information concerning copyright and all other exclusive rights are respected.

Hypertext Links

Using the hypertext links of "" means you are leaving the website. These linked websites are not under control of "", consequently, Toulouse Capitole University (UT Capitole) and IDETCOM takes no responsibility for the content, external links, changes or updating of such websites. These links are provided for further information and the inclusion of any link to such sites does not imply endorsement by UT Capitole of the sites.
Navigation on these linked sites is at the User's own risk. 

Site traffic statistics

Statistics taken from Piwik

Cookies Policy

What is a cookie" ?

 A "cookie" is a small information file sent to the user's browser and stored in the user's terminal (e.g computer, smartphone), (hereinafter "Cookies"). This file includes information such as the user's domain name, the user's Internet Service Provider, the user's operating system, and the date and time of access. The cookies will in no way damage the user’s terminal.

2.      Which cookies are allowed on the site ?

a) In-house cookies  



Kept during :


User’s session identifier

the  session

b) Audience measurement cookies

Toulouse Capitole University uses the Matomo tool, formerly known as Piwik.

The University may process information dealing with the web site visit by the user such as details on the pages viewed or on data search . Such information helps us to upgrade the site content and  users’ browsing.


Three different types of cookies are used on the University Toulouse Capitole website in order to measure the audience:



Kept during


Piwik page identifier cookie

 13 months


Piwik session cookie

1 day


Cookie indicating your choice in terms of audience measurement  to Piwik

13 months if agred / During the session only if not agreed

At any time, users can decide to express and modify their choice(s) concerning cookies by:

  • Refusing the cookies or disabling them by using their browser’s parameters/settings ;
  • Clicking on the button below to determine their choice;
Confirm and set their consent to cookies