Master General Public Law

The Master’s 2 General Public Law degree provides broad, high-quality education in public law. It is a highly desirable degree in the country, as shown by the high number of applicants. The degree trains future experts in the different branches of public law, allowing them to enter various professional fields (civil service, regional administrative institutes, legal counsel to administrative courts and appellate courts, public and para-public sector careers, public law lawyers, etc.). Another career path could be a lecturer-researcher (university professor or lecturer in public law).

The degree, which is supervised by Prof. Sébastien Saunier (IDETCOM) and Prof. Grégory Kalflèche (IMH), requires students to have completed 4 years of higher education before embarking on this course. The M2 General Public Law degree has a reduced number of staff which makes it more conducive to exchanges, personal study and a deeper reflection on public law. It offers a comprehensive legal culture and perspective that is particularly valuable in a quickly and deeply changing legal environment. As part of its objective, the course allows students with demonstrated knowledge to critically consider the major themes of public law in depth, using theory, comparisons and positive law. The course entails a wide range of taught subjects (constitutional law, legal theory, fundamental freedoms, European administrative law, regulatory law, public property law, public procurement law, urban planning and development law). It also holds seminars on current affairs.
Course coordinator:

Prof. Sébastien Saunier