research activities
GPA: what developments can be expected?
Research - Theme
GPA: what developments can be expected?
on the January 25, 2023
8am - 12.30pm
Building S, room MS001
Under the scientific direction of Olivier Debat, Professor of Private Law at IDETCOM and Cécile Le Gallou, Professor of Private Law at IDP. With the participation of students of the Master 2 in fundamental private law.
The study of surrogate motherhood has become a particularly sensitive issue, since it involves access to human life.
Its acceptance or rejection is largely dependent on cultural factors and its development could lead to major societal and legal changes, especially in the conception of the family and the status of persons.
The demand of a part of the population for this form of medically assisted procreation legitimately raises the fear of business drifts favoring a competition of territories.
The present conference thus places the question in its international dimension, as it is a global societal issue, from a current and prospective perspective.
To attend the conference, online registration is required :
The ADUM registration is necessary for the validation of hours for the continuing education of doctoral students but does not constitute a registration to the event. Doctoral students must register twice on ADUM and on the research centre's website using the form above.
Photo credit : unsplash