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IDETCOM theses
Research areas
Area 1: Space(s)
Area 2: Territory(ies)
Area 3: Culture(s)
Area 4: Communication(s)
Documentation centre
Master General Public Law
Master Public Business Law
Master Political Science
Master Media and Communications Law
Master ACAC
Associate members
Doctoral candidates
Professors emeriti
research activities
research activities
Other Publications
Family and Jihadism. A Socio-Anthropological Approach to the French Experience. Jérôme Ferret, Farhad Khosrokhavar
Cultural Roads and Itineraries: Concepts and Cases. Par Christophe Alcantara, Jonathan Paquette et Aurélie Lacassagne
Commented Code on Relations between the Public and the Administration. Sébastien Saunier
Secularism: a question of boundaries
Culture Society Territories. Miscellanies in tribute to Professor Serge Regourd
Constitution and local authorities. Thoughts on the 60th anniversary of the Constitution. Edited by Jean Marie Pontier and Didier Guignard
Compensatory system of public contracts. How can public contracts be reconciled with corporate finance? By L Rapp and J Moiroux
The devil’s in the method: a short ethical treatise railing against the pharisees. By Guillaume Sire
Global Space Governance: An International Study. Collective
Economic valorisation of local cultural property in France and Italy. Edited by Nathalie Bettio, Pierre-Alain Collot, Nicoletta Perlo, Karl-Henri Voizard
Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Violent Extremism: A Multilevel and Interdisciplinary Evidence-Based Approach. Caroline Da Silva, Nicolas Amadio, Rachel Sarg, Bruno Domingo et Massil Benbouriche
The “Clain Brothers”: Fratriarchal Commitment and Family Jihadophilia. Bruno Domingo, N. Amadio, M. Benbouriche et R. Sarg
Social reintegration of individuals convicted of terrorism in France: From paradox to blind spot? Nicolas Amadio, Massil Benbouriche, Bruno Domingo, Rachel Sarg
Influence and cultural diplomacy. A report by Nicolas Peyre
“Radicalization” and its “Prevention” Ideas, Discourse and Paradigmatic Transformations within French Action Plans (2013-2022). Bruno Domingo
Gendarmerie and sociology. The unlikely encounter of a police institution and a social science. François Dieu
A Decade of Media Coverage of the Social Reintegration of Terrorism-Related Convicts: France as a Case Study. aroline Da Silva, Nicolas Amadio, Rachel Sarg, Bruno Domingo & Massil Benbouriche
Preventing radicalization leading to violence: Insights from the significance quest theory and its 3N model. Caroline Da Silva, Nicolas Amadio, Rachel Sarg, Bruno Domingo, Sarah Tibbels, Massil Benbouriche
Democracy and demonstration. The French experience. François Dieu
Preventing radicalization leading to violence: Insights from the significance quest theory and its 3N model. Caroline Da Silva, Nicolas Amadio, Rachel Sarg, Bruno Domingo, Sarah Tibbels, Massil Benbouriche.
Camino de Santiago: from Pilgrimage to Brand! Christophe Alcantara
“I’m a sociologist too, right?” Cinema and the representation of contemporary violence in Spain. Rodrigo Sorogoyen, Jérôme Ferrett
Financing space-derived data as commodities. Lucien Rapp
Charisma of action, mystical charisma, neo-Umma 1 source of European Jihadism. The example of Toulouse and its region 2. Abderrahim El Janati
The ‘Merah clan’: family trajectories and transformation of the economy of violence 1. Bruno Domingo
New fraternal scenes and jihadist violence, Ripoll (Catalonia, northern Spain). Jérôme Ferret
Jihadism and the family. A heuristic model questioned, energised and augmented. Jérôme Ferret, Farhad Khosrokhavar, Bruno Domingo
Noises and odours: a new rural heritage, comment of the law n° 2021-85 of 29 january 2021. Jean-Charles Jobart
Cultural Routes, Routes of Political Influence. French Public Museums. Par Martine Corral-Regourd et Nicolas Peyre
News coverage on Covid-19 in public broadcasting. Comparison between RTVE.es and Francetvinfo.fr online media. Nicolas Tilli et Ana-María Lopez-Cepeda
Instagram, contrasting support for the globalization of museum brands and diplomacy of influence. The cases of the Louvre and the Centre Pompidou. Christophe Alcantara and Nicoles Peyre
Small Satellite Constellations, Infrastructure Shift and Space Market Regulation. Lucien Rapp and Maria Topka
On the Province of All Marskind. Maria Lucas-Rhimbassen
Which Jurisdiction for Private In-space Assembled Autonomous Platforms? Lucien Rapp, Maria Topka, Lucas Mallowan.
Major changes coming over the horizon for the global space industry. Lucien Rapp
Competitive space foresight: Incentivizing compliance through antitrust. Lucien Rapp and Maria Lucas-Rhimbassen
Hiring in the digital age. Daniel Pélissier
Employees’ opinions posted on the platform Glassdoor: A critical, contextualized interpretation. Daniel Pélissier.
International Francophones the focus of new research chairs. Nicolas Peyre
Mental Health Interventions: reflections on a radio program as alternative for stigma reduction and social integration.. Nicolas Tilli
Space Industry Faces Deep Transformations Post-COVID-19. Par Lucien Rapp
Journalism and Platforms: From Symbiosis to Dependency. Guillaume Sire
A Technopolitical History of HTML (1991-1999). Guillaume Sire
Commenting and Encouraging Comments About TV Channels’ Video Publications on Facebook: The examples of TF1, France 2 and M6. Laurence Leveneur
Online Child Pornography: Conceptual Issues and Law Enforcement Challenges. Giorgia Macilotti
Gendarmerie et dualisme policier. François Dieu
Violence and humiliation in the digital age: a study in a school setting. By Giorgia Macilotti
Issue - Online humiliation: stakeholders, investigation techniques and prevention. Introduction. By Giorgia Macilotti and Julie Alev Dilmaç
World Heritage sites in France. By Clémentine Bories
Le vocable de la schizophrénie au prisme de la presse quotidienne nationale française : un effet de mode ? Mylène Costes, Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès ; Sylvie Laval, Université Toulouse Capitole
Conceptual model for a profitable return on investment from space debris as abiotic space resource. Par Lucien Rapp, Maria Lucas-Rhimbassen, Cristiana Santos et George Antony Long
Satellite Imagery, Very High-Resolution and Processing-Intensive Image Analysis: Potential Risks Under the GDPR. Lucien Rapp and Cristiana Santos
Record of space case-law, by Lucien Rapp, Delphine Miramont and Jean-Marie De Poulpiquet
Semantic Web: the politics of meaning and the rhetoric of data. By Guillaume Sire
Space lawmaking, Lucien Rapp
The EU and Third Countries : Any New Tax Opportunities under Association Agreements ? Olivier Debat and Flora Sicard
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